Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Power Verbs

Perhaps you already practice correct grammar and punctuation. You want to escalate your writing skills. May I suggest you enlarge your vocabulary of verbs?

I try to use the most precise verb for what I mean. So, in whatever I must read anyway, I notice verbs — especially ones I would not readily use. I jot them down. By learning them in context, I absorb their usage and nuances.

The most precise verb is the best:

Not great: Joe Bloggs will focus on arrival policy.

Better: Joe Bloggs will specify how a new policy will encourage employees to arrive on time.

These sentences contain vivid, precise verbs:

Bank of America's reserves dwindled.
If the policy lapses, the insurer need not renew it.
Behind every obstacle there lurks an opportunity.
Unfortunately, I dithered for two days; and finally, Lee rescinded his offer.

1 comment:

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