Thursday, September 22, 2011

Writing a Résumé—or a Performance Evaluation

Writing your own résumé is hell.  And nearly everyone overwrites and overexplains.  These facts I know from experience with dozens of job seekers.

Writing a performance evaluation isn't any fun, either. 

Here are some resources that might help:

Purdue's famous Online Writing Lab (OWL) helps immigrants and job seekers with its Community Writing and Education Station (CWEST). CWEST offers advice and sample documents for writing resumes (or do you write résumés?) and cover letters.

Résumé writing requires verbs, which abound in the two books below.  They are written not for you but for the manager who must review performance. 

There's even a book about how to write a negative review:

Sandler, C., and Keefe, J.   Fails to Meet Expectations: Performance Review Strategies for Underperforming Employees.  281 pages. Adams Media; Avon, MA.