Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Extraordinary Writer

In previous January posts, I have written about Dr. King’s paragraph structure (2012) and his tactical use of the passive voice in a business letter (2013).  This January, I am copying two brief radio messages that Dr. King composed and recorded during October 1964. 

After each message, I have listed its verbs: action words with both subject and tense. Notice that all verbs (except, of course, the “be” verbs)— are in the active voice.  Notice how the sentences are relatively short, because listeners cannot “look back” to see context.  And notice that the proportion of verbs to total words is high: from one verb per 7.22 words to one verb per 8.55 words.  Verbs help a great writer achieve crystal clarity.

Notice that Dr. King felt free to begin a sentence with “and.”  He told no one how to vote, nor did he aim his call for voter registration to one group or another.  And as a humble man, he did not even use his titles—“Reverend Doctor”—although he could have done so.

One-minute radio message:

I am Martin Luther King, Jr. I want to remind all who are listening that a democratic society cannot meet its full potential of achievement unless all of its citizens exercise their right to register and to vote.  It is a part of the history of democracies that men have fought and bled and died to win the right to vote.  In many quarters of the globe this fight still goes on.  Those of us who can register and vote freely must by all means do so.  I urge all of you, my fellow Americans, to make America a showplace of true democracy.  Register, so you will be able to vote.  Study the issues.  And then cast your ballot on election day for the candidates and party of your choice.
130 words and 18 verbs    One verb per 7.22 words.

Are listening
Cannot meet
Have fought and bled and died
Can register and vote
Must do
Will be

30-second radio message:

I am Martin Luther King.  The age-old fight of mankind to govern itself through free elections still goes on in many sections of the world.  Yet many American citizens who need do nothing more than register and walk to the polling place fail to cast their votes.  I ask you to be a good citizen.  Remember, you cannot vote unless you register.  So register and then cast your vote for the candidates and party of your choice.
77 words, 9 verbs.  One verb per 8.55 words.
Need do  ["register" and "walk" are truncated from infinitives "to register" and "to walk."]
Cannot vote

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