Friday, July 07, 2006

Pronunciations I Never Knew

At the back of the Gregg Reference Manual, 9th edition, is an appendix of pronunciation problems. Some of its entries surprised me:

angina - "Medical professionals pronounce this ANN-jinn-uh. Others typically say an-JYE-nuh."
applicable - Gregg says to put the accent on the first syllable: A-plih-kuh-bul.
Celtic - The language is KELL-tick. The Boston team is SELL-tick.
conch - This is a seashell and is pronounced KONK.
corps - We all know that the singular is KAWR. The plural is pronounced KAWRZ but spelled "corps."
data - Gregg's pronounces this word DAY-tuh. Lots of people are going to disagree.
Metairie, city in Louisiana - Accent the first syllable: MET-uh-ree.
Natchitoches, city in Louisiana - Again, accent the first syllable: NACK-kuh-tish.

Well, I could go on. But here's one that isn't in Gregg's and used to trip me up:
Oaxaca, place in Mexico, is pronounced wuh-HAH-kuh.

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