Friday, May 12, 2006


To build a better vocabulary, I concentrate first on learning verbs. Specifically, I move verbs from my passive vocabulary (I understand them) to my active vocabulary (I use them appropriately and readily). Here are a few verbs from my recent reading:

doff Jim doffed his disguise and we saw the real man.
abstain The CEO wanted to protest, but wisely she abstained [or refrained] from speaking in haste.
I would have liked a martini, but that night I was abstaining.
recant Mary once believed in unbridled capitalism, but she has since recanted.
sate It seems that no amount of music can thoroughly sate America's demand.
rebuff Acme offered $15 million, but Standard Widgets rebuffed that offer.
ascribe I know the report came from Brad, but insiders ascribe its recommendations to Brad's deputy, Sara.
engross Numbers engross her; that is why she is pursuing a degree in accounting.
amplify He summarized the report on the phone, but a longer e-mail will amplify that summary.
augment I will augment the evening's menu by bringing a basket of fruit and some French pastry.
expound He announced his plan, and then he expounded it. Could you expound on that observation?

Flesch Readability: 57.3 Flesch Kincaid Grade Level: 8.3

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