When I write an e-mail that is not a response, I begin my message with a salutation. Often that salutation is
Hi plus the name of my addressee:
Hi, Bob or
Hi, Friends. But few writers today use the comma after Hi, even though that comma is grammatically correct.
Grammar books tell us that when we use someone's name or a group name in direct address, we should place commas around it:
Hi, Jim, how are you?
Good evening, Madam.
But, Bob, you never told me about your brother.
I am tempted to stop using the comma in salutations, just because so many people suspect that it is an error. (For the same reason, I have stopped using
i.e. and replaced it with
that is. So many people think erroneously that
i.e. means
for example.)
What do you think about commas in e-mail salutations?